Health, Aged Care and Retirement Villages

Aged care reform overview November 2022

November 18, 2022

Key changes resulting from the Aged Care and Other Legislation Amendment (Royal Commission Response) Act 2022 are due to commence on 1 December 2022 and the Aged Care (Implementing Care Reform) Act 2022 received the Royal Assent on 9 November 2022.

There has been a flurry of recent exposure draft subordinate legislation to give effect to these changes, with more still to come, along with guidance material released in draft by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

The Department of Health and Aged Care is also consulting on a range of reform topics.

We have captured the key elements which are in play at the moment in this overview, to help providers keep track of the many moving parts.

If you would like more information or assistance, please call the Health, Aged Care and Retirement Villages team.

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