Health, Aged Care and Retirement Villages

Thomson Geer Aged Care Insight Report – An aged care legislation subscription service

October 17, 2022

Thomson Geer has developed an aged care legislation service which is now available to residential and home care providers.

The legislation service:

  • includes a summary of all amendments to the aged care legislation (Aged Care Act, Aged Care Principles, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act and Rules) as relevant to residential and home care providers;
  • provides commentary and recommendations for approved providers to implement operational changes to achieve compliance in response to changes;
  • includes commentary on our latest experience and observations in dealing with the regulators particularly in response to legislative change;
  • includes commentary on what we see on the regulatory horizon;
  • is released twice a year.

Our legislation report is available as a subscription service for an annual fixed fee. You can see the first two pages here. If you require more information, please contact our Health, Aged Care and Retirement Villages team.

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