We work with our Tax team and our client's external tax advisers to advise and implement the optimal structures for our client's agricultural businesses. The determination of the optimal structure usually encompasses careful consideration of tax consequences, asset protection, balancing the interests of joint venture partners (where relevant), regulatory issues and potential future exit strategies.
We can assist with issues relating to Environment and Planning. Please see our Environment and Planning page for more.
We routinely advise our agricultural clients on export, supply and distribution agreements. This includes understanding and appropriately allocating risk for matters such as fluctuating commodity prices, defective products and delays. We leverage our deep relationships with our broad international network of law firms where necessary to advise on relevant foreign jurisdictional issues in international contracts.
We advise foreign clients seeking to invest in Australia's agricultural sector on applying for approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board. Our lawyers advise clients on whether FIRB notification is required and (if so) what information is required. They prepare applications and manage engagement with FIRB. We are also able to engage our affiliate, TG Public Affairs, which often assists in understanding potential political and policy matters that could arise.
We act for farmers and rural enterprises who are buying or selling agricultural properties around Australia. These properties often comprise multiple parcels of land that can have a range of special rights or titles conditions attached to them (including easements and covenants). We undertake extensive due diligence to understand what rights or conditions are applicable to ensure that they are part of the sale or purchase and that titles to all parcels are transferred.
Access to water is critical to agricultural operations. Our lawyers understand the value of water to the rural sector and have extensive experience with water trading and dealings, including working with irrigation schemes. For irrigated agricultural properties, it is essential to secure rights to all land on which water infrastructure is used to supply water to such properties and to the use of water for irrigation purposes. We act for water users seeking to acquire or change licences and approvals from relevant authorities, or to document water dealings with other water users.